Today's Reading

"I promise you that I will speak with him on the matter." Sunan nodded, his exhaustion plain. "Th-thank you, Suli."

Suli sighed to himself as he eased his brother back to the threadbare pillow, straw poking through its seams. He wanted to argue more with Sunan. Give voice to his exasperation, as he'd done for centuries.

All at once, Suli realized that time was at an end. The comfort he'd felt in that closeness would be gone from him in a matter of moments. Loss took hold of his heart. It blossomed in Suli's chest, the ache creeping up his throat. He gripped Sunan's hand.

"I . . . shall miss our conversations," Suli said.

Sunan smiled at him, another tear etching down his blue skin. "I shall miss 'you'."

"Some mortals believe in an afterlife." Suli's own eyes welled. "I hope they are right."

"If they are, I w-will tell our f-family you love them.'

"Thank you."

Sunan took a trembling breath, his voice fading to a whisper. "I'm f-frightened."

"That is unlike you."

"Knew . . . this time . . . would come."

"The mirror allowed you to foresee your death, yet you are still frightened," Suli murmured. "Knowledge alone is never enough."

Sunan nodded, another bout of coughing tearing through his body. He groaned and pressed his lips together.

"You don't have to fight anymore," Suli said softly.

Sunan swallowed. A gasp flew from his lips, his eyes wide. With a final burst of effort, he gripped Suli's hand in both of his own. "She will . . . never . . . choose her."

"What?" Suli bent closer.

"Silla. Will . . . kill the child . . . first." Bloody sputum poured from Sunan's mouth.

Suli shook his head, tears coursing down his cheeks. "Don't fight anymore, Sunan. Be at peace."

"Tell . . . Bastien. Celine . . . will die. Hallowtide."

Realization struck Suli like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky. "Lady Silla intends to kill her own daughter during mortal Hallowtide?"

Sunan wheezed. "Stop . . . them. Destroy . . . the mirror. Do . . . what I . . . failed to do."

"I will do whatever I can. Be at peace, brother. You have more than earned it."

With another shudder, Sunan exhaled. Suli watched the life leave his brother's body. Still he did not release Sunan's hand. He sat in silence, honoring the moment of his brother's passing. Many long years and many hard losses had taught Suli that this was not a time for anger or pain. That time would come later, like waves crashing upon a dark shore.

Now was a moment for quiet. A moment for respect. A moment for love.

Tomorrow there would be pain. Tomorrow he would allow the anger to race through his veins and the pain to rip through his chest. Tomorrow he would make sense of it all.

One day, perhaps there would be justice.

With a heavy heart, Suli let go of his brother's hand for the last time.

Sunan had charged Suli with knowledge. And knowledge alone was never enough.

Suli swore on their family's graves that he would pass the mirror's curse to Sébastien Saint Germain . . . or die trying.

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